Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wittenberge to Seehof 21st July

After an outstanding fruhstuck (brekky) consisting of plates of:-
*tomato, ziegerkase, chives & basil
*dip-covered cucumber, prosciutto & cheese
*mushroom, capsicum & vegetable omelette
*berry yoguty topped with bean sprouits
*german bread roll & jam
*2 cups of brewed coffee
*orange juice
we bought a map & took to the road in high spirits (as you do after a brekky like that). I just hope I haven´t put on too much weight.
A sunny day saw us cover 43 km before our first stop at Grabow for a light lunch. On th eway ro Grabow we had taken the more direct on-road route for about 20 km. It was most unpleasant, carrying high speed trucks & cars, as well as the dreaded caravans & B double hay trucks. The rest of the track was paved dedicated cycle track often pasing through leafy forests.
Bird-life is abundantr in Germany. Great flocks of small birds, as weæll as geese & ducks abound. Fora while today we were on the goose radweg.
Another 10 km brought us to Ludwigslust - another quaint German town, with a grand & imposing schloss. The countryside is forested and verdant.
When the odometer clicked over about 98 km & we thought our ride was coming to an end, we stopped at a lakeside pub for a beer. The ride into Schwerin was spectacular - åast parkland, Schwerin See beaches, swans in situ & a great castle in the middle of the lake.
It was great until qwe ran into a recently constructed barricade on the path. This added another 3km to our trip into town & after 100 this was irritating.
we finally arrived at Tourist Info in the town square at 6.15pm, having ridden about 112km. Th tourist info advised us that there was no hope of finding accommodation in Schwerin or anywhere nearby as the Bundesgartenschau 09 (BUGA) had packed the place out.This went down like a lead balloon. Our onlæy optio wa to ride another 11km to a very crowded campgroung. As it turned out the campgrounf was well run & organised. We set up camp, showered & enjoyed a tasty meal at thjeir restaurant. A big day!
115km today.

21st July Wittenberge to Alt Garge
Rod's solo tour
Had a good camp last night, paid 5 euro to the Harbour master to camp on some land near the marina. Left Tracey and Pat this morning as they decided to head for Schwerin (see above blog) and I stuck to my original goal of Hamburg. I made a beeline for Lenzen for breakfast ingredients and took my purchases down to the Elbe for brekkie on the banks. The morning was a magical morning for riding although as the day progressed a busy little headwind gave me a bit of curry.
Had lunch at Neu Dachau beside the Marina, the computer showed just over 100 for the day but as it was still early I pushed on for a bit to Alt Garge where I stumbled on a nice campground in a biosphere. Was not here long when a Swiss couple I had run into previously rode in, we all jumped into the pool for a rather bracing swim before brewing up some pasta for the evening meal.

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