Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kufstein to Bernau

June 6
Still ultimately aiming for Salzburg we departed our campsite to do a spot of sightseeing in the small township before riding on. We had checked out one of the most picturesque streets we have yet seen (totally out of the blue) and that is quite a statement given the cities and towns we have strolled through in the last six weeks.

Moving into the town's main square we lucked into a beautifully costumed dance performance which kept us rapt for about an hour and meant we did not have time to visit the town's impressive fortress as we had planned.

We left town late that morning and crossed the German border shortly after. We had only put up about 40 kms before the skies opened up and we copped our first significant rain. We pulled into the Neubeuern pub at to wait it out. After several large hot chocolates and a number off espressos it became apparent that the rain did not intend to be waited out.
Across the road from the pub in Neubeuern

The first Bodensee Konigsee Radweg sign we saw.

The decision was made to push on and use the wet weather gear we had carried for the last 1200km. This gave me the opportunity to try out some new Vaude shoe covers I had purchased in Innsbruck, the result two dry shoes and four wet ones to Tracey and Pat.
It rained solidly for the next couple of hours and when we reached the small town of Bernau a halt was called and accommodation secured in the nearest Gasthof. A long hot shower for me and I decided to slip down to the bar and sample a warming schnapps or four. On about number three one of the locals decided to inform me that it was not good riding weather but that we had lucked in as there would be some Bavarian style entertainment on that evening and invited me to have a look.
The decision to check it out after dinner turned out to be an excellent one.
With Tracey and Pat in tow I stepped into a hall filled to overflowing with upwards of 500 men and women. It was quickly apparent that we were the only ones that were not in lederhosen, hats with feathers, in fact the whole bit. The women also wore beautifully made traditional Bavarian outfits. This was not something put on for the tourists it was Bavarians celebrating their culture. What a great night with some of the best dancing and singing we have seen.
The entertainment included mountain horns (20ft long jobs), musical whip cracking (sounds a bit odd but it was excellent), singing, some beautifully choreographed dance routines and more.
I think we all went to bed pretty pleased with our unexpected day and planning to make Salzburg the next day.

Lots of knee slapping

Scary looking fat whip cracker


  1. Have just caught up with zou again - photos are looking great & I am enjozing your adventures. Verz wet here as June & Paul commented - great 4 the garden; but no czcling! Zour legs are looking muscled up Tracez after all those mountains!

  2. zz zzzzzz zzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzz zzz zy zzz!

  3. (It sounds like a fantastic night was had bz all!)

    I'm more and more jealous every post I read. I'm starting to consider a move to Europe more and more.

  4. I can see why they don't let tourists in for the lederhosen frolics
