Friday, June 12, 2009

Passau to Schlögen - June 12

June 12

In her attempt to throw her infection Tracey had had a very quiet day and a half since arriving in Passau. One thing we all wanted to do, and didn't think would be too strenuous, was a short boat ride on the rivers. Some travellers we had met had also recommended the organ recital in St Stephens cathedral, home of the world's largest cathedral organ! This was daily at 12, but not yesterday as it was a public holiday.

Near the Rathaus in Passau
View from the boat

Another one

Rod took the opportunity to play with him iphone.

Brekky at Hotel Weinerwald was not so great today - no eggs & bacon, but we did meet Diego, an Argentinian/Austrian cycle tourist, and his companion Alejandro. They had three days to cycle the 300km to Vienna. After breakfast we headed off to catch the first boat ride, which was good except for the coffee, then back to the hotel to get out of our room, then up to the cathedral for the organ recital. Meanwhile Rod had diverted to the local bike shop to pick up the Tricross which was getting a new rack in an attempt to make it handle as well as the Mongoose. Of course as a result Rod missed the organ recital, which went well enough except for me being discreetly reprimanded by an usher for trying to amuse myself with my camera during the rivetting performance.

Roof of the cathedral during organ recital.
Then at last at about 1pm we were on our bikes and pedalling again, this time on flat sealed paths with a terrific tailwind.

Very nice afternoon riding.

It was a very nice afternoon's ride apart from the buffeting wind, which had largely died down by about 3.30 when we crossed the river by ferry to a pleasant campground at Schlögen, just 40km from Passau.

Our ferry

On the ferry

The view down the valley.

Our campsite at Schlögen


  1. If they had played something like this on the organ it would have been most enjoyable:

    In The Garden of Eden.. by I. Ron. Butterfly

  2. Rod says that nothing could improve the handling of a Mongoose. Short of a new bike that is.
