Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Znojmo to Slavonice - June 24

June 24

The weather didn't look too bad so after brekky in the guest kitchen at Penzion Kaplanka we headed out of town intending to get back on the Greenways route at Lukov about 10km away. After making our way out of town in busy morning traffic we rode initially through farmlands along narrow roads lined with cherry trees.

Picking cherries.

We didn't find the bike route at Lukov so continued on through Horni Breckov towards Cizov where we visited an Iron Curtain Memorial that includes a section of preserved barbed wire fence.

The preserved section of security fence at the Iron Curtain memorial.

Leaving Cizov the Greenways route passes through forest in the Podyji National Park. We rode in light rain for a bit before stopping in Lesna for a coffee and a look at the motorcycle museum.

Out comes the waterproof gear.

The rain eased and we continued on to Vranov, a nice holiday spot on a lake. After crossing the dam wall we climbed up out of the valley, stopping for a quick look at the impressive castle on the way up the hill.

The castle at Vranov.

The route then took us through small towns and farmland very close to the Austrian border.
We had only planned to ride about 50km which would get us to Vratenin. Arriving in Vratenin we ran into an Aussie cycle-touring couple, Richard and Faye, who were headed in the opposite direction to us.

One of the many Christian statues, etc, found by the roadsides
throughout Austria and the Czech Republic.

This one had a bunker built behind it.

After a long chat on the road, during which a bus nearly killed some of us, we headed off to find accommodation. We soon discovered that Vratenin has no accommodation establishments of any kind, so we had to press on to Slavonice, another 23km.

Approaching Slavonice.

In Slavonice we found a georgeous pension in an ancient building, complete with sgraffiti-covered front, just along from the main square.

Our room in the pension in Slavonice.

Our pension - the amazing building with the sgrafiti all over it!

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